SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Randas (Les Écorchés)
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2012 Doc History: The Baltic Countries Randas (Les Écorchés)

Randas (Les Écorchés)
Rimtautas Šilinis
1985 - Lituanie - Couleur - 44'

With great humanity, the cineaste films children abandoned by their parents. The problems of adults have obvious repercussions on the children being treated. But what exactly are their ills? Through a touching description of this institute, the film attempts an analysis of society.

Auteur : Rimtautas Šilinis, E. Aukštikalinui
Image : Alvydas Buklys
Production : Lithuanian Film Studio (LKS)
Distribution : Archives centrales de l'État de Lituanie (v.juseviciute@archyvai.lt)