Les États généraux du film documentaire 2007 Doc Route: Finland Proxy

Proxy ( Sijainen )
Antti Peippo
1989 - Finlande - Couleur - 23'

Being confronted with the final stages of cancer, Antti Peippo uses this film to finish with the demons from his past. Despite the personal character of his film, he succeeds to set his own past in the history of his time. The meaning of history was one of the central themes in Peippo’s work. He was always looking for ways to make the voices of the past resound in the present.

Author : Antti Peippo, Martii Siirala
Photography : Antti Peippo
Sound : Timo Linnasalo
Editing : Anne Lakanen
Production : Verity Films Ky
Distribution : Finnish Film Foundation (marja.pallassalo@ses.fi, +358 9 6220 3021)