SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Processioni in Sicilia
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Doc History: Italy Processioni in Sicilia

Processioni in Sicilia ( Processions en Sicile )
Michele Gandin
1964 - Italie - Noir & Blanc - 12'

Active from the forties to the seventies, Michele Gandin was one of the most important Italian documentarians. Always interested in a form of visual investigation on the ceremonial aspects of popular tradition in the south of Italy, he made Processioni in Sicilia using the superb photos of Ferdinando Scianna published in 1963. A film in which anthropological research is served by the formal power of a sound and image edit of implacable beauty.

Photography : Carlo Ventimiglia
Editing : Pino Giomini
Music : Egisto Macchi
Production : Giorgio Patara
(juan.delvalle@fondazionecsc.it, +39 06 72 29 43 15)