SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Plusieurs fois la Commune
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2012 Rescreenings Plusieurs fois la Commune

Plusieurs fois la Commune
Julien Chollat-Namy, Damien Peaucelle, Régis Boitier, Aziz Soumaré, Katharina Bellan, Vincent Poulin
2011 - France - Couleur - 50'

Voices are heard over images of the Creuse region of France and Paris today. They question the film being made and the events that took place during the Paris Commune of 1871. The voices, and the bodies in the shots, are those of the filmmakers, organised in a collective uniting “users” and “non-users” of psychiatry, filmmakers and non-filmmakers. The object is to question together what took place during the three revolutionary months from March to May 1871 but also to allow discussion on the collective fabrication of a film and our present enclosures, constructions, the paths of our liberation, emancipation.

Production : Katharina Bellan, Julien Chollat-Namy
Distribution : Katharina Bellan, Julien Chollat-Namy (katiabellan@free.fr, +33 (0)6 22 90 77 13)