SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Plug and Pray
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Special Screenings Plug and Pray

Plug and Pray
Jens Schanze, Judith Malek-Mahdavi
2010 - Allemagne - Couleur - 91'

Joseph Weizenbaum, mathematician and pioneer in artificial intelligence, often shook the world of computing during the past decades. He benefited from the millions of dollars invested in arms race during the Cold War, and became famous in 1975 with his book Computer Power and Human Reason, criticizing the myth of science being independent from society and its values. According to him, each person and in particular the scientist, is in charge of promoting a more equal and humanist world, and if we grant computers too many responsibilities, the way we see human beings will be changed and we will in the end regard ourselves as mere machines.

Photography : Börres Weiffenbach
Sound : Helge Haack, Mauricio Wells
Editing : Jörg Hommer, Jens Schanze
Production : Mascha Film
Distribution : Mascha Film (post@maschafilm.de, +49 89 7675 5352)