SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Paul Meyer et la Mémoire aux alouettes
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2007 Uncertain Viewpoints Paul Meyer et la Mémoire aux alouettes

Paul Meyer et la Mémoire aux alouettes
Jean-Claude Riga
2006 - Belgique - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 58'

The loss of social memory means, for successive generations, new descents into hell. In Paul Meyer’s films, it’s a little as if this memory and its material disappeared poetically in a kind of ascension similar to that of the soul. Already from Déjà s’envole la fleur maigre (1960) to The Memory of Larks which Meyer began at the age of eighty and remained unfinished in 2007, (and continuing via Klinkaart (1956) and Le pain quotidien (1960/64)), he embarked on a journey of freedom closely watched over by the social censorship of memory.

Photography : Jean-Claude Riga, Alain Marcoen
Sound : Origan Cannella, Alain Daniel, Laurent Daniel
Editing : Anne Lacour
Production : Nord Films SPRL, RTBF Liège, RTC Télé Liège
Distribution : WIP (wip@skynet.be, +32 4 340 10 40)