SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Panni sporchi
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Doc History: Italy Panni sporchi

Panni sporchi ( Le Linge sale )
Giuseppe Bertolucci
1980 - Italie - Couleur - 99'

Organised like a dictionary, Panni sporchi is a decisive film for the eighties in Italy. We are at the Milan Central Station with its population of the homeless, prostitutes and drug addicts, immerged in an extraordinary polyptych of isolated humanity. Bertolucci carries us lovingly into a world unknown to all, throwing it in our faces without rhetoric or reverence. The faces, voices, words by those who have no right of expression prove poignant.

Photography : Renato Tafuri
Sound : Hubrecht Niyhuis
Editing : Gabriella Cristiani
Production : Unitelefilm
(palandradi@aamod.it, +39 06 57 28 95 51)