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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Fragment of a filmmaker's work: Sándor Sára Pályamunkások: etüd (Ouvriers des voies : étude)

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Pályamunkások: etüd (Ouvriers des voies : étude)
István Gaál
1957 - Hongrie - Noir & Blanc - 4'

István Gaál's graduation film (twenty-four years old at the time, just like his friend Sándor Sára) takes its inspiration from a childhood memory: the singular and unexpected “music”, ringing out a four beat rhythm, made by the men at work on the railway tracks. In the middle of the film, a train passes by and time pauses, leaving space for a constant preoccupation in Sára's work: scrutinising faces. A truly musical “study”, in both image and sound, and an experiment in rhythmic montage.

Photography : Sándor Sára
Sound : Frigyes Kemenes
Editing : István Gaál
Production : École Supérieure de Théâtre et de Cinéma (Budapest)
(szorenyi.dorottya@mandarchiv.hu, +36 13 94 13 22 143)