SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - On the Rumba River
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2007 Sacem Day On the Rumba River

On the Rumba River
Jacques Sarasin
2006 - France - Couleur - 85'

Travelling up and down the majestic river Congo on a disheveled boat, the young orphan Antoine Kolosoy composed his first songs. As he gained renown, the young "Wendo", was persecuted by the church and his music banned by the Belgian Colonial authorities. When his first album was released in 1948 he became the first superstar of Congolese Rumba. In the sixties, his songs expressed the hopes of a newly independent nation, when all dreams seemed like they could become reality. Rediscovered several years ago, Wendo made a comeback under the new regime in 1997.

Photography : Remon Fromont
Sound : Philippe Lecocq
Editing : Bernard Josse
Production : Les Productions Faire Bleu (pfbdistribution@wanadoo.fr, +33 (0)1 48 07 05 62)
Distribution : Les Productions Faire Bleu (pfbdistribution@wanadoo.fr, +33 (0)1 48 07 05 62)