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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Africa We Don't Forget, We Forgive

We Don't Forget, We Forgive ( On n'oublie pas, on pardonne )
Annette Kouamba Matondo
2010 - France/Congo - Couleur - 26'

By portraying Sylvie Diclos Pomos, a Congolese artist who is an actor, a director and also a writer, the film director questions the issue of writing. Writing for remembering, since people tend to forget a lot, writing as a duty of remembrance; and also, writing as a way of escaping into a better world, escaping from reality that may be cruel. These issues all relate to the “Beach case” that had extensive press coverage in Congo, after a trial ending with all so-called culprits being acquitted.

Photography : Ladhorey Foutika
Sound : Jerry Mokouna
Editing : Irène Silakouna
Production : Play Film, Inzo Ya Bizizi et DRTV
Distribution : Inzo Ya Bizizi (rufinmbou@yahoo.fr, +33 (0)6 42 67 07 67)