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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Reruns Of Men and War

Of Men and War ( Of Men and War [Des hommes et de la guerre] )
Laurent Bécue-Renard
2014 - France/Suisse - Couleur - 142'

Sent off to fight for America, the twelve soldiers of Of Men and War returned from the front bodily safe and sound, but their mind shattered, eaten up by anger, haunted by memories of the battlefield. Under the guidance of a pioneer therapist in war trauma, little by little they try to assemble the words to describe the unspeakable and to find reconciliation with themselves, their past, their families.

Image : Camille Cottagnoud, Laurent Bécue-Renard
Son : Laurent Bécue-Renard, Marc Benda, Emmanuel Dayan
Montage : Charlotte Boigeol, Sophie Brunet, Isidore Bethel
Musique : Kudsi Erguner
Production : Alice Films
(alicefilms@free.fr, +33 (0)9 50 30 96 76)