SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Noistottus
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Doc History: Italy Noistottus

Noistottus ( Nous tous )
Piero D’Onofrio, Fabio Vannini
1987 - Italie - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 145'

In Sardinia starting in the second half of the nineteenth century, working in the mine represented for entire generations the only alternative to the traditional agro-pastoral economy. The film attempts to recount in an innovative way the “culture of mine work” on the island. Alternating contemporary testimony with archives and staged reconstitutions of the past, D'Onofrio and Vannini create a complex, intelligent and fascinating work of art.

Photography : Franco Lecca
Sound : Stefano Savino
Editing : Maddalena Colombo, Piero D’Onofrio, Fabio Vannini
Music : Mauro Di Renzi
Production : Istituto Luce
(juan.delvalle@fondazionecsc.it, +39 06 72 29 43 15)