SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Noces d'or ou la Mort d'un chorégraphe
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2008 Scam Day Noces d'or ou la Mort d'un chorégraphe

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Noces d'or ou la Mort d'un chorégraphe
Marie-Hélène Rebois
2006 - France - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 74'

This is a story of an unrealized work called Noces d’or that choreographer Dominique Bagouet had wished to give to his parents for their wedding anniversary and to his followers before he died in 1992. Marie-Hélène Rebois brings together all the actors of the Noces d’Or team. She asks them all what they knew of the work, what Dominique told them, what they understood and imagined their roles were until just before rehearsals were to start.

Photography : Isabelle Bourzat
Editing : Jocelyne Ruiz
Production : Daphnie Production
Distribution : Daphnie Production (daphnie-production@wanadoo.fr, +33 (0)1 43 67 07 96)