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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Plein air No gazaran

No gazaran
Doris Buttignol, Carole Menduni
2012 - France - Couleur - 90'

The alarm is sounded in the southeast of France at the beginning of 2011: shale gas is arriving in our villages, our landscapes, our lives! What kind of gas? Diary of an unexpected popular mobilisation, the film testifies to the sudden jumps and movements of a society caught in the trap of a crisis-plagued economic model as it follows over two years the organisation of a historic resistance movement which obliged industrialists and the State to take a step back.

Photography : Doris Buttignol, Carole Menduni, Samuel Sagon, Thorsten Künish
Sound : Doris Buttignol, Carole Menduni, Mathieu Quillet
Editing : Emmanuelle Zelez
Production : Les Brasseurs de Cages, les Films du Zèbre (brasseurs.cage@free.fr, +33 (0)4 75 76 00 48)