SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Nicaragua 1: Voyages
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Fragment of a filmmaker’s work: Marc Karlin Nicaragua 1: Voyages

Nicaragua 1: Voyages
Marc Karlin
1985 - Royaume-Uni - Couleur - 42'

In 1978-79, American photographer Susan Meiselas photographed the two insurrections that led to the overthrow of fifty years of dictatorship by the Somoza family in Nicaragua. These photographs provide the images of the film. Combining with an imagined epistolary commentary, five unedited tracking shots move across the photographs articulating Meiselas’ reflections on her relationship to the history she witnessed.

Author : Marc Karlin, Susan Meiselas
Photography : Jonathan Bloom
Sound : Melanie Chait
Editing : Monica Henriquez
Production : Marc Karlin, Lusia Films, Channel 4