SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - National Gallery
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Plein air National Gallery

National Gallery
Frederick Wiseman
2013 - France - Couleur - 174'

The National Gallery in London is one of the great museums of the world with two thousand four hundred paintings from the thirteenth to the end of the nineteenth century. Almost every human experience is represented in one or the other of the paintings. The film shows the public in various galleries, the education programs, and the scholars, scientists and curators, studying, restoring and planning the exhibitions. The relation between painting and storytelling is explored. Painting looks at cinema and cinema looks at painting, constantly mirroring each other in a vertiginous way.

Photography : John Davey
Sound : Frederick Wiseman
Editing : Frederick Wiseman
Production : Zipporah Films, Idéale Audience
Distribution : Sophie Dulac distribution
(atignon@sddistribution.fr, +33 (0)1 43 44 46 04)