SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Mohammad Saved From the Waters
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Viewing Experiences Mohammad Saved From the Waters

Mohammad Saved From the Waters
Safaa Fathy
2012 - France - Couleur - 93'

"Mohammad was the youngest of a family of five of which I was the eldest. This film is the reflection of a journey we began together from the beginning of his illness to his death. We decided, Mohammad and I, to make a film which, on one hand, would give meaning to the absurdity of the disease, and on the other hand, help us all dig to the source of an evil that is ravaging the whole of Egypt. The Nile is sick, its waters are sick, its fish, its banks and Mohammad, he is sick of the sickness of the river." (Safaa Fathy)

Photography : Vincent Buron
Sound : Hervé Guyader
Editing : Pauline Casalis
Production : TS Productions, Zero prod, Docdays prod, Vosges Télévision
Distribution : TS Productions (tsproductions@tsproductions.net, +33 (0)1 53 10 24 00)