SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Memories of the Eichmann Trial
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2011 Getting Voices Heard Memories of the Eichmann Trial

Memories of the Eichmann Trial ( Zichronot Mishpat Eichmann )
David Perlov
1979 - Israël - Noir & Blanc - 65'

Layers upon layers of memory are laid down in David Perlov's film, a unique historical and cinematic document. In interviews that Perlov conducted in his apartment — seventeen years after the trial of Adolf Eichmann —, survivors, their children and young Israelis all give their perspectives on the impact the trial had on Israeli society's approach to the Holocaust and its survivors, as well as the manner in which it influences their personal and familial lives. With the support of Yad Vashem Visual Center, the Forum for Audio-Visual Preservation in Israel, the Israel Broadcasting Authority.

Photography : Danni Shneor
Editing : Era Lapid
Production : Israel Broadcasting Authority- Channel 1
Distribution : Yad Vashem Visual Center (liat.benhabib@yadvashem.org.il, +972 2 6443739)