SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Meditations on Revolution, Part IV : Greenville, MS
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2008 On the Subject of Regrettable Searching - Body to Body, the Filmed Body Meditations on Revolution, Part IV : Greenville, MS

Meditations on Revolution, Part IV : Greenville, MS
Robert Fenz
2001 - États-Unis - Noir & Blanc - 29'

This series of poetic documentaries shot by Robert Fenz on the sites of revolutions which had succeeded, been fomented or failed (Cuba, the Black Panthers in the United States, Mexico...) takes up the question of the human community from its gestures, bodies and physical movements. Using one of the inaugural bodies in cinema, that of the boxer, Greenville, MS cinetically intensifies the experience of reconstituting an athletic energy

Photography : Robert Fenz
Editing : Robert Fenz
Production : Robert Fenz
Distribution : Robert Fenz (robertfenz@gmail.com, +1 917 385 5451)