SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Les Secrets
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2008 Uncertain viewpoints Les Secrets

Les Secrets
Tony Quéméré
2007 - France - Couleur - 25'

Letter from a father to his daughter, a letter for the future probably. Through this process, the director tells the story of a family, his proper family, in a rural area deeply affected by a social and economic dismay. Where a bitter alcohol is passed down from a generation to the next one. Words are rough as he felt his situation as little boy, a teenager, and now as a father.

Author : Tony Quéméré
Photography : Tony Quéméré
Editing : Sylvie Gadmer
Production : Ateliers Varan
Distribution : Ateliers Varan (contact@ateliersvaran.com, +33 (0)1 43 56 64 04)