SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Les Roses noires
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2011 Scam Day Les Roses noires

Les Roses noires
Hélène Milano
2010 - France - Couleur - 53'

Coralie, Kahina, Moufida are teenagers from thirteen to eighteen years old. They live in Parisian suburb or in the North district of Marseille. In this movie, they are wondering about their relationship to the language, asserting their characteristics and their attachment to a group identity. They are telling the hurt related to the feeling of exclusion and lack. Finally, within their district, beyond boys' words that they say as a mask which protects them, they are revealing the intimate goals of this linguistic strategy.

Photography : Chloé Blondeau, Jérôme Olivier
Sound : Camille Barrat, Marianne Roussy
Editing : Martine Armand
Production : Comic Strip production, France Télévision
Distribution : Comic Strip production (comstrip@club-internet.fr, +33 (0)4 96 17 03 80)