SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Teenage Occupations
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Reruns Teenage Occupations

Teenage Occupations ( Les Garçons de Rollin )
Claude Ventura
2014 - France - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 85'

“1940. There they are, on the class photos, staring at me… the Rollin boys…” Claude Ventura follows the tracks of the ghosts that still haunt the Rollin high school. The Rollin boys… Very young people, almost children. Some of them, Resistance members already, went straight from their class photo to the police ID photo, before facing execution squads. Others joined the militia or the Waffen-SS. There are also these empty chairs in class after roundups…

Photography : Arthur Forjonel, Claude Ventura
Sound : Claudio Nepala
Editing : Camille Cotte
Production : Flach film
(flachfilm@flachfilm.com, +33 (0)1 56 69 38 38)