SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Scissors
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2008 On the Subject of Regrettable Searching - Body to Body, the Filmed Body The Scissors

The Scissors ( Les Ciseaux )
Mounir Fatmi
2003 - Maroc/France - Couleur - 12'

“A man and a woman are making love, sharing pleasure as if they were the blades of a pair of scissors crossing each other. The couple seen as a pair of sharp scissors, both dangerous and sublime. Les Ciseaux is a video created using shots from the film directed by Nabil Ayouch Une minute de soleil en moins, shots which were censored in Morocco.” (Mounir Fatmi)

Editing : Mounir Fatmi
Production : Mounir Fatmi
Distribution : Heure Exquise! (contact@exquise.org, +33 (0)3 20 43 24 32)