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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 Doc Route: Brazil The Hidden Tiger

The Hidden Tiger ( A Vizinhança do Tigre )
Affonso Uchoa
2014 - Brésil - Couleur - 95'

Juninho, Menor, Neguinho, Adílson and Eldo are young dwellers of the suburbs of Contagem. Divided between work and fun, crime and hope, each one of them will have to find ways to overcome the obstacles and tame the tiger that lies within them.

Author : Affonso Uchoa, João Dumans, Aristides de Sousa, Maurício Chagas, Wederson Patrício, Eldo Rodrigues, Adílson Cordeiro
Photography : Affonso Uchoa
Sound : Warley Desali
Editing : Luiz Pretti, João Dumans, Affonso Uchoa
Production : Affonso Uchoa, Warley Desali, Aristides de Sousa, Maurício Chagas, Wederson Patrício, Eldo Rodrigues, Adílson Cordeiro