SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Some Things Are Better Left Untold
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Reruns Some Things Are Better Left Untold

Some Things Are Better Left Untold ( Il segreto del serpente )
Mathieu Volpe
2014 - Belgique - Couleur - 18'

A villa surrounded by secular trees in the south of Italy. A secret path to the sea. A small church where lie the bodies of mummified monks. The ruins of an ancient city eaten by the sea… When I saw these places for the first time, you were with me. Returning to Italy, I try to find what remains of you there. Could I remember every detail of the moments we spent together during those summer days? What have we left behind us?

Photography : Pierre-Edouard Jasmin
Sound : Luis Trinques
Editing : Andy De Keersmaecker
Production : MédIADiffusion
(diffusion@iad-arts.be, +32 10 33 02 00)