SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Le Rêve et la Nécessité
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2011 Scam Day Le Rêve et la Nécessité

Le Rêve et la Nécessité
Jean Brard
2011 - France - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 99'

Frédéric Laffont defined documentary as a subjective point of view on the other. Damien Fritsch, filming a conversation between a saleswoman and her blind customer sketches out the imaginary at the basis of all communication. These two beacons guided me during the composition of this anthology whose goal was to be neither a complete catalogue nor a "best of", but simply a homage to the independence of authors. These words obviously only concern those unfortunates who, having no brain-time available, must rely only on their emotions and their reflection to share while keeping in mind the words of Stéphane Hessel: "To resist is to create, to create is to resist". We will not give credits for the image, sound or shooting format because it is a compilation of several films aided by the Scam.

Editing : Catherine Mauchain