SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Le Point de vue d’un gardien de nuit
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Doc history: Poland Le Point de vue d’un gardien de nuit

Le Point de vue d’un gardien de nuit ( Z punktu widzenia nocnego portiera )
Krzysztof Kieślowski
1979 - Pologne - Couleur - 16'

“Every man has a passion for something. I have a passion for control.” By portraying a fanatic factory guard exclusively from his own perspective, Kieślowski shows us the shocking example of an authoritarian personality. A paradoxically humanistic portrait of a fascist man in a totalitarian society.

35 mm projection

Photography : Witold Stok
Sound : Wiesława Dembińska, Michał Żarnecki
Editing : Lidia Zonn
Music : Wojciech Kilar
Production : WFDiF