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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2008 Scam Day Le Pays à l'envers

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Le Pays à l'envers
Sylvaine Dampierre
2008 - France - Couleur - 90'

Born on Guadeloupe, but having spent most of her life in France, the director leaves to rediscover her roots and her own, personal history. Along the way, she initiates herself to her birthplace as the people she meets blend with the stories her father recounts. She hopes that as she uncovers this island’s fascinating story and the tragedy of its past connections with the slave trade, she’ll also unveil the origins of her surname.

Photography : Renaud Personnaz
Sound : Myriam René
Editing : Sophie Reiter
Production : Atlan Films
Distribution : Hevadis Films (hevadis2@free.fr, +33 (0)6 07 51 13 98)