SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Silent Monologue
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2008 Africa The Silent Monologue

The Silent Monologue ( Le Monologue de la muette )
Khady Sylla, Charlie Van
2008 - France/Sénégal - Couleur - 45'

Le Monologue de la muette is Amy’s life. The life of a maid. She began working from the age of twelve, if not younger. Her job is not secure. It’s a life of daily servitude to her employer. Constrained to return to her village, to give birth to her daughter, she is filled both with hope and hopelessness. The utterances of other maids, the complaints of washerwomen, the struggle of all those living on rue 11 in the medina, echo her situation. The rage of the slam poet Fatim Poulo Sy. Our anger rising... Like a polyphony.

Photography : Charlie Van
Sound : Gwenn Nicolay
Editing : Emmanuelle Baude
Production : Athénaïse, Karoninka
Distribution : Andana films (sriguet@andanafilms.com, +33 (0)4 75 94 34 67)