SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Sun Will Rise
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Docmonde The Sun Will Rise

The Sun Will Rise ( Douvan jou ka leve )
Gessica Généus
2017 - Haïti/France - Couleur - 52'

What is this “illness of the soul” that is slowly killing the Haitian people? Through this film, I seek to understand the form of cultural bipolarity expressed mainly through our spirituality by relying on my personal journey, marked by the mental illness of my mother. A disease which she believes is a curse of voodoo spirits.

Photography : Marco Saint-Juste, Katerine Giguère
Sound : François Waledisch, Rachèle Magloire
Editing : Adrien Faucheux
Music : Manno Charlemagne
Production : SaNoSi Productions, Productions Fanal, Ayizan Production, Martinique 1ère – France Télévisions