SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Salamander Complex
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Plein air The Salamander Complex

The Salamander Complex
Stéphane Manchematin, Serge Steyer
2014 - France - Couleur - 81'

Living aside from the world in the Vosges Mountains, an artist sculpts an enigmatic and unique work, at his own pace. When a great art centre orders a piece from him, he accepts without renouncing his work methods. Time goes by and the order doesn’t progress as fast as expected…

Photography : Stéphane Manchematin, Serge Steyer
Sound : Stéphane Manchematin, Serge Steyer
Editing : Stéphane Manchematin, Serge Steyer
Music : Muckrackers
Production : Mille et Une Films, Bix films
(distribution@mille-et-une-films.fr, +33 (0)2 23 44 03 59)