SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Dark Path
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Rediffusion The Dark Path

The Dark Path ( Le Chemin noir )
Abdallah Badis
2010 - France - Couleur - 78'

From peaceful countryside to the stricken steel-manufacturing landscapes of Lorraine, The Dark Path crosses through France of today and yesterday. Buried childhoods come back to haunt us: the elderly invisible Arabs, melting metal and the long gone factory.

Photography : Claire Mathon
Sound : Nicolas Waschkowski, Arnaud Julien
Editing : Sophie Mandonnet
Production : La Vie est belle Films, Ina
Distribution : La Vie est belle Films (info@lavieestbellefilms.fr , +33 (0)1 43 87 00 42)