SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Le Beurre et l’Argent du beurre
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2007 Africa Le Beurre et l’Argent du beurre

Le Beurre et l’Argent du beurre
Alidou Badini, Philippe Baqué
2007 - France - Couleur - 62'

Fair trading is very much in fashion today. The concept is to help the most underprivileged populations on our planet to emerge from this state thanks to a fairer distribution of revenues. Shea butter is more and more appreciated in Europe. It is used in the cosmetic industry and as a cocoa substitute. In sharing the lives of the producers in Burkina Faso, the film carries us to the heart of the problems of survival in Africa.

Photography : Alidou Badini
Sound : Isidore Lalle
Editing : Jean-François Hautin
Production : Smac Productions (jf.hautin@smacprod.fr, +33 (0)5 56 47 46 11)
Distribution : Smac Productions (jf.hautin@smacprod.fr, +33 (0)5 56 47 46 11)