SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Images of Asian Music
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Rediffusion Images of Asian Music

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Images of Asian Music
Peter Hutton
1974 - États-Unis - Noir & Blanc - 29'

"Images of Asian Music represents footage compiled during 1973-1974 when Peter Hutton was living in Thailand and working at sea as a merchant seaman. While the film is silent, the title was intended to evoke a comparison to the movement of classical Asian music. Images of Asian Music is a personal celebration of Asia formed by a sensitivity to filmic composition and to the perception of these images in a silent time created by the filmmaker." (Whitney Museum of American Art)

Photography : Peter Hutton
Sound : Peter Hutton
Editing : Peter Hutton
Production : Peter Hutton
Distribution : Peter Hutton (hutton@bard.edu)