SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Voice of the Statuettes
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Tënk! The Voice of the Statuettes

The Voice of the Statuettes ( La Voix des statuettes )
Elzévie Pascale Touloulou Moundélé
2015 - France/Sénégal - Couleur - 64'

During a visit to a museum in Congo, I found myself face to face with three small statues. They seemed to be observing me, just as I was observing them, intrigued by their expressivity. Symbols of cult and ritual, they are all different. One is scarred on the stomach, one has a triple head and the third, a gashed face. Representative of three regions of the country, I took to the road to try to understand them. Apprehending their power today means also thinking about the metamorphoses they have undergone on leaving the realm of the sacred and questioning their society and culture.

Photography : Anatole Mafoula
Sound : Adélaïde Mbouéya
Editing : Joëlle Janssen, Laura Monnier
Production : Ardèche Images production, Traces du Sud