SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - La Robe du temps
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2008 Africa La Robe du temps

La Robe du temps
Malam Saguirou
2008 - Niger/France - Couleur - 52'

Ousseini, the young chief of the very traditional Butcher Brotherhood in Zinder, Niger, takes up a double challenge: by trying to develop the meat exporting channel in his area, he both wants to legitimate his recently acquired position as a traditional chief and to assert himself as an innovative chief.

Photography : Malam Saguirou, Salissou Rabé, Issoufou Magaji
Sound : Dan Balla
Editing : François Pit
Production : Dangarama, Adalios
Distribution : Adalios (adalios@adalios.com, +33 (0)4 75 94 57 10)