SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Snow Lion Position
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2007 Rediffusion Snow Lion Position

Snow Lion Position ( La Position du lion couché )
Mary Jiménez
2006 - Belgique - Couleur - 80'

There is an art of dying, as there is an art of giving birth. At Topaz, an outpatient palliative care unit, Stéphane, Laura, and Anne are trying to live out their last days. This is what Anne does, organizing her death as a gift to the people closest to her, joining them together in a group she calls "the boat". Together with the members of the boat, she shares moments both good and bad, throughout her illness, from beginning to end. This may sum up what the film has set out to propose in turn, a boat for its viewers.

Photography : Jorge Leon
Sound : Jorge Leon
Editing : Mary Jiménez
Production : Dérives
Distribution : CBA (cba@skynet.be, +32 2 227 22 30)