SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - La passione del grano
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Doc History: Italy La passione del grano

La passione del grano ( La Passion du blé )
Lino Del Fra
1960 - Italie - Couleur - 10'

In Lucania the harvest is still the time to celebrate the Passion of Wheat, a peasant rite, vestige of the ancient Mediterranean religious civilisations, which once was widespread over all agricultural Europe. The archaic terror provoked by winter's “vegetable void” encouraged the peasants to look at the harvest as a mortal offense carried out against wheat, “killed” by the scythe. The “crime” is then executed in the form of a sacred representation showing the hunt of a mythical animal, the goat.

Author : Ernesto De Martino
Photography : Mario Volpi
Editing : Renato May
Music : Domenico Guaccero
Production : Corona Cinematografica
(andrea.meneghelli@cineteca.bologna.it, +39 051 60 18 60)