SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - At Night, They Dance
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2011 Outdoor Sceenings At Night, They Dance

At Night, They Dance
Isabelle Lavigne, Stéphane Thibault
2010 - Canada - Couleur - 80'

A mother and her daughters in Cairo, all three are dancers: a boisterous, fiery family with whom we share their tempestuous attachment and the harshness of their livelihood. In a very loving way, the film unveils the conditions of life of women who are left to their own devices and determined to take their destinies into their own hands.

Photography : Stéphane Thibault
Sound : Isabelle Lavigne
Editing : René Roberge
Production : Les Films du Tricyle
Distribution : Autlook Films (stephanie@autlookfilms.com, +43 720 34 69 34)