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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Plein air Death of the Serpent God

Death of the Serpent God ( La Mort du dieu serpent )
Damien Froidevaux
2014 - France - Couleur - 90'

After a street fight that went wrong, twenty-year-old Koumba is deported to Senegal. She had arrived in France when she was two years old and never thought to ask for French nationality on coming of legal age. In forty-eight hours, the young restless Parisian teenager becomes a Senegalese villager lost in the bush, far from her family and Paris life. The story of a five-year exile: a news item becomes a tragic saga.

Photography : Damien Froidevaux
Sound : Damien Froidevaux
Editing : David Jungman
Music : Ian Saboya
Production : entre2prises
(info@entre2prises.fr, +33 (0)1 42 87 73 06)