SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Hand of the Butterfly
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Special Screenings The Hand of the Butterfly

The Hand of the Butterfly ( La Main du papillon )
Emmanuelle Demoris
2010 - France - Couleur - 142'

Two events mark this early winter at Mafrouza. The birth of a baby boy with its accompanying awaiting, tension, joy and festivities. And the marriage of a young woman. At the back of the houses, between intimate and the sacred, among whispers, cries and rites, individual destinies are drawn. Faced with the collective agitation shaking the families, sometimes with or against them, each individual finds in act how to exist and construct their place in the world surrounding them. In act as well as in word which here evokes the imaginary in order to think the real, to make it bearable and to speak of those obscure zones where life, death and sexual differentiation emerge.

Photography : Emmanuelle Demoris
Sound : Emmanuelle Demoris
Editing : Emmanuelle Demoris, Céline Ducreux
Production : Les Films de la Villa
Distribution : Les Films de la Villa (lesfilmsdelavilla@free.fr, +33 (0)1 42 02 45 86)