SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - War Is Looming
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2011 Viewing Experiences War Is Looming

War Is Looming
Claire Angelini
2011 - France - Couleur - 80'

This film takes a look at the French concentration camp at Rivesaltes. It does not deal with the site of memory but rather memories of the site through the concrete and physical data visible on the ground perceived as a holed-out space mined by disappearance, in particular the buildings, which subsist as ruins. War Is Looming questions the historical nature of the place taking full measure of its burning actuality: the question of refugees, detention camps, displaced persons. This film is less preoccupied with drawing lessons from history than fuelling the present with a history that, like a blinding mirror, is of the utmost concern.

Photography : Claire Angelini
Sound : Claire Angelini
Editing : Claire Angelini
Production : Claire Angelini
Distribution : Claire Angelini (clairangelini@hotmail.com, +49 89 51 91 93 32)