SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - La Gardienne des étoiles
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Africa La Gardienne des étoiles

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La Gardienne des étoiles
Mamadou Sellou Diallo
2009 - France/Sénégal - Couleur - 52'

La Gardienne des étoiles is a letter from a father to his daughter. A filmed letter exploring the mystery of woman. From the woman as a body of pain that gives life, to the woman's body as an object of seduction, to the woman's ever mutilated body. The film tells the odyssey of woman and the construction of the female body.

Photography : Mamadou Sellou Diallo
Sound : Mamadou Sellou Diallo
Editing : Joëlle Janssen
Production : Ardèche Images Production, Les Films de l'Atelier, TV Rennes 35
Distribution : Ardèche Images Production (aiprod@wanadoo.fr, +33 (0)4 75 94 26 16)