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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 LaScam Day Don’t Breathe

Don’t Breathe ( La Faille )
Nino Kirtadzé
2014 - France - Couleur - 86'

A Georgian man is suddenly pushed to question his life because of a seemingly banal incident. Everything begins with an ordinary medical exam which little by little turns into a total re-examination of his life. A dark comedy that touches on the existential roots of Man when his landmarks disappear and his imagination takes over, spotlighting his fragility, fears, convictions, loneliness and hopes.

Photography : Andro Sanovich, Tornike Shengelia, Octavio Espirito Santo, Jacek Petrycki
Sound : Tengo Asitachvili, Benjamin Bober, Stéphan Bauer, Philippe Grivel, Yves Servagent
Editing : Nino Kirtadzé, Christel Aubert, Josiane Zardoya
Production : Zadig Productions
(info@zadigproductions.com, +33 (0)1 58 30 80 10)