SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - On the Road
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Doc History: Romania On the Road

On the Road ( La drum )
Dumitru Budrala
1998 - Roumanie - Couleur - 43'

Every autumn, shepherds from Transylvania set off with their flocks in search of green grass. They follow an ancient route which takes them hundreds of miles away from home. During his journey, the master of a flock is murdered in a forest. His youngest son must take over one thousand sheep, five donkeys, seven dogs and four hired shepherds. Sleeping in the open, marching through villages and fields, fighting bad weather and truck drivers' prejudice, he learns to be a master.

Photography : Dumitru Budrala
Sound : Dumitru Budrala
Editing : Simona Bealcovschi
Production : Astra Film (kato@astrafilm.ro, +40 02 69 213 442)
Distribution : Astra Film (kato@astrafilm.ro, +40 02 69 213 442)