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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 Open air The Second Night

The Second Night
Éric Pauwels
2016 - Belgique - Couleur - 75'

When his mother dies, a filmmaker makes a film to see how much her disappearance has changed his vision of the world. It is an opportunity for him to look back on his relationship with her, a relationship that made him a free individual, as a man and as a filmmaker. The Second Night is the final part of a trilogy that began with Letter from a Filmmaker to his Daughter, which was followed by Dreaming Films. The making of this “Cabin Trilogy” is the fruit of fifteen years of work and reflection.

Photography : Éric Pauwels, Rémon Fromont, Paul Pauwels, Aurélian Pechmeja, Nicolas François
Sound : Jeanne Debarsy, Ricardo Castro
Editing : Rudy Maerten
Production : Stenola Productions, CBA, Associate Directors, RTBF, UMEDIA