SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Last Island
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Rediffusion The Last Island

The Last Island ( L'Ultima Isola )
Margherita Cascio
2009 - Suisse - Couleur - 25'

Reliving the choice that defined a man’s life, in a travel across Italy, side by side with his son, towards the island that enriched him. We accompany them in this quest into personal remembrances of a life and a place.

Photography : Heidi Hassan
Sound : David Puntener
Editing : Natalia Fiorini
Production : Haute École d'Art et de Design, Radiotelevisione Svizzela
Distribution : Haute École d'Art et de Design (michel.buhler@hesge.ch, +41 22 388 58 89)