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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 Docmonde Anger in the Wind

Anger in the Wind
Amina Weira
2016 - Niger/Bénin/France - Couleur - 54'

In my hometown of Arlit in the North of Niger, Areva has been mining uranium since 1976. Today a good part of this region, swept by winds of sand, is contaminated. Radioactivity is invisible and the population is not informed of the risks. My father, a retired uranium mineworker, is at the heart of this film. He dusts off his memories, thirty-five years spent in the mine. Thanks to him, I meet other former miners and younger workers who certainly have something to say.

Photography : Tarek Sami
Sound : Abdoulaye Adamou Mato
Editing : Agnès Gaudet
Production : Alternative Productions, Merveilles Productions, VraiVrai Films, TVFIL78