SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Blue Room
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Tënk! The Blue Room

The Blue Room ( La Chambre bleue )
Paul Costes
2015 - France - Couleur - 48'

Memory is a mishmash. To try disentangling it, I suggest organizing a meal to commemorate the tenth anniversary of my father’s death with my family. It was a sudden coronary death; he was only fifty-six. Through negotiations, tête-à-têtes, replayed scenes and anecdotes, from Super 8 family archives to contemporary images of our family life, another film is born. A film for my father, although he’s long gone. “Brouillon d’un rêve” grant recipient In addition to the “Tënk!” programme

Photography : Paul Costes
Sound : Paul Costes
Editing : Sylvie Fauthoux
Production : L’atelier documentaire
(atelierdocumentaire@yahoo.fr, +33 (0)5 57 34 20 57)