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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 LaScam Day The Capture

The Capture ( La Capture )
Geoffrey Lachassagne
2014 - France - Couleur - 50'

Devoured with passions, writer Pierre Bergounioux is a man who collects scrap iron, insects, all kinds of things, and the words to tell us about them with equal intensity. Six months ago, we set off for the Plateau de Millevaches. I had asked him to catch his favourite insects for us: a beetle, a butterfly and hopliae… We had ten days. It was June. It should have been sunny. The insects should have abounded. But it would have been too good to be true, too easy. It wouldn’t have been true to the Plateau. It wouldn’t have been true to Pierre.

Photography : Pascale Granel
Sound : Graciela Barrault, Nicolas Becker
Editing : Mathias Bouffier, Geoffrey Lachassagne
Music : Nicolas Becker
Production : La Huit Production, Fotogram, Bright Photon